Everyday Life with Me

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Weekend

This was what we woke up to Saturday Morning. It was so foggy outside that we could not see very far in front of us. We had a football game to go to that morning.

Those are my wonderful Children that turned 9 and 7 this past week. I love them to death. They got lots of stuff for their birthday. We gave them a party today at the park it turned out to be a very good day for a party outside. I just wish that they would not grown up so fast.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Thursday and Friday were my great Neice and Nephew birthday. They turned 9 and 7 and i thought that i was going to cry. I am so sad that they are growing up. We are going to celebrate Sunday for both thier birthday. Hope that everything goes well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Searching for Answers

Today I started out by checking on applications that I put in for jobs I applied for a few weeks ago. I get online and get the phones numbers of the places that I applied for since gas is so high I did not want to drive around all day place to place. Well the first place that i called told me that they could not find my application I did online. I told him that I had done it twice online and it told me Thank You for appling. He ask me to hold on and a few minutes later he came back and asked me my name and what i applied for. Then he proceeded to tell me that I did not pass the questionare test that i had to take at the end of the application. He told me that i should just keep applying for the job and that was all that he could tell me.
I called the next place and I gave them my name and when i applied there. The lady came back on the phone and told me that I did not even qualify for a interview because of the test at the end of the application process called the Assesment or Placement test. She told me my judgement calls were all wrong. By this time i am furious. I ask her what about the questions do I miss. She told me that she could not tell me but according i missed alot of them. How in the hell do you miss questions when they ask about how many days you have missed in the last five years. Or have you ever taken something little from work. When the questions do not have anything to do with the damn job you are applying for.? No wonder our economy is in the shape it is in. When the hard working can't get a frecking job because of some damn questions they ask about stuff shit that do not have anything to do with the job. No wonder the unemployment rate is going out of the roof. No wonder there is not social sercuity because people can't get a job for these stupid test. I mean really does it take such a smart person to pass a personal test to be a Cashier? I would want to give them a test for math skills before wondering if they have stolen anything. Who ever came up this test should be put up to have darts thrown at them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today I decided that I would start getting out of the house more. My loving niece brought by her bicycle for me to use to get around town with. It has been so long since i rode a bicycle that I was afraid that i could not do it anymore. Well I got brave and got on the bicycle and decided to try it out around where i live. Before I knew it I was on the other side of town at the Library. It only took me around 30 minutes to ride there. (Part of the way I walked the bicycle.) Well i made it back home and decided to take a break and then i would go back out this afternoon. Well, I never made it back out this afternoon. I decided to just do it tomorrow. I guess that I had my excercise for the day. Tomorrow I will get back out and go again I reckon. At least I don't have to stop for the HIGH PRICE GAS!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Weekend

I had a nice time over the weekend. I went out to eat at a resturant I had never been to. After eating I went and watched a comedy at a family members house. Some of it was so funny that I found myself in the floor laughing.

On Sunday I tried to watch my Nascar Race but fell asleep not until I got to see Kyle "The Whinner" Bush wreck and go down 17 laps. I was happy about that and thought that i might as well take a nap.

Today has been just a regular day sit at home and do house work and laundry. Maybe one day I will go do something exciting with my day.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Where has the day gone?

I don't know if i am not feeling well or what. Today has gone by and I have done nothing but sleep. Maybe it is the rain coming in later on or maybe not. All I can remember is watching something about Ike and then waking up and wondering what time it is. If things stay like this I think that I will just go back to sleep and see if tomorrow is better.


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here is the sky line for today here. Dark and gloomy. I thought that the sun was going to come out for a little while but I guess it was feeling like me and decided to hide today.

Wanting to learn something new!

I have seen alot of people blogging and thought that i would give it a try. It looks like it is fun sharing your ideas and thoughts about things with other people.

I sit at the computer alot anyway so I thought I might try this blogging stuff. This is my first blog so if anyone has any helpful tips i would sure would not mind the help.

I love to crochet. I have made pot holders and one beautiful white heart blanket. I am in the process of another multi-color blanket or throw that I have not completed yet.

I would love to learn photography. I have a digital simple camera a Sanyo VPC T700. I don't know anything about using it because i have not read the manual or anything. I just point and shoot.

Well, it is getting early morning here and I better get some shut eye before i get cranky. God bless you all for reading my blog.
